Listings in Resources
American Public Health Association
APHA is an Association of individuals and organizations working to improve the public's health and to achieve equity in health status for all.
Animal Health Institute
Animal Health Institute is a resource for you to learn more about how animal health products work, how they are used, and their many benefits.
Cell Phone Safety
Informational site warning citizens of the dangers and risks of using cellular technology while driving.
Discovery Health
Discovery Health is your online resource for health information, fitness tips, drug addiction treatment options, acne treatments, weight loss, information about diseases and health conditions.
Cost-effective health care data exchange and integration products/services for health care providers, hospitals and payers.
Directory of health care professionals and facilities. Includes health blogs, articles and news.
Health Resources and Services diradministration
United States Department of Health and Human Services, based in Washington, D.C.
Kids Health
Up-to-date information on growth, food and fitness, childhood infections, immunizations, and medical tretment for kids.
March of Dimes
The March of Dimes works to save babies with research to prevent premature birth, birth defects and genetic diseases and to help all women have a healthy pregnancy.
Medscape Conference Center
Medical conference guide for surgeons and practicioners.
National Women’s Health Resource Center
Information on women's health topics, including news, discussion and health services.
Natural Elements
A full range of organic skin products that help provide relief for the symptoms of oily skin caused by excess sebum.
OSHA : Occupational Safety & Health diradministration
OSHA is the main federal agency charged with the enforcement of safety and health legislation.
Pregnancy and Health
Find out everything you know to minimize weight gain during pregnancy, and then to lose it quickly afterwards.
Really Tan
Advice on how to get really tan. Indoor and outdoor tanning articles, in addition to product reviews.
Reuters Health Information
Medical and health news for consumers and medical and health-industry professionals
Safety Resources
A team of dedicated consultants whose practice is the structure and implementation / training of workplace safety, corporate loss control and regulatory compliance.
Spire Healthcare
Spire Heathcare offers a choice of top hospitals throughout the UK. For private healthcare visit
Troubled Teenagers Help Site
Website offers information about troubles that teenagers may have, as well as available programs to help with these troubles.
UCLA Health System
UCLA Health System is committed to patient care, research and education. offers information on the latest diagnostic and treatment techniques plus health news you need. Get the latest
Universal Medical ID
Company offers medical id jewellery to help others deal with one's medical conditions.